What Is the Best Thing to Cut Heroin With
Shooting up means that heroin is directly injected into the veins. Stan Mallinkrodt Sep 23 2012 2. Heroin Cutting Agents Banyan Treatment Center Among heroin users under the age of 20 cheese overdose deaths continue to rise. . Medication for Heroin Withdrawal. Benjiax2 Sep 23 2012 1. Caffeine can also be used as a sales promotion for dealers. Heroin is almost never intentionally cut with brick dust broken glass etc. How is black tar heroin cut and re-rocked. But I think they can cut it with other drugs. Benzocaine and Lidocaine pain relief medications Amphetamine. Those are urban legends perpetuated by the ignorant media. Also what is the most common thing used to cut either ECP or BTH. Corn starch Calcium carbonate Citric acid Fructose Lactose milk sugar or powdered milk Mannitol diuretic Sodium chloride. So black tar heroin can be cut with brown sugar which gives the drug a sweet smell a...